Dr. Marie Godwin
Assistant Superintendent
State System Testing Coordinator

Felicia Purdy, Ed.S
Assistant Superintendent
Local Assessment Coordinator
The Seminole County School System administers a balanced assessment program with a combination of standardized tests and classroom assessments. These assessments provide staff with a more accurate picture of a student’s overall academic achievement level. Our department assists schools in this area by providing support to help administrators, teachers, and parents understand assessment results. The data obtained from the assessments help schools make informed decisions regarding instruction and support continuous improvement and excellence for all students.
Both state and local mandates require student participation in a wide array of assessments. With the implementation of Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE), Seminole County Schools will administer local assessments that directly correlate to the standards.
The purposes of the assessment program include:
Informs teachers so they can adjust instruction and teaching strategies
Monitor student progress relative to the state mandated content standards
Inform decisions regarding placement for special programming
Assess program effectiveness
As a planning tool for school improvement