School Spirit Store: Go Big Green!!!
Friday, November 13, 2020: World Kindness Day!!!
Dress in your favorite cardigan!!!
Thank you for your service!!!
Calling 4th and 5th Students!!!
SCES is thankful to our of Veterans!!! We appreciate your service!!!
Square 1 Art!!!
Kindergarten November 9-13,2020 Students of the Week
November: HealthMPowers Challenge
World Kindness Day: November 13, 2020
In honor of World Kindness Day our counselors will be teaching lessons during activity this week about how kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition which bridges the divides of race, religion, politics, gender and zip codes. World Kindness Day was introduced around the world in 1998. The purpose is to highlight good deeds in the community focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us. This Friday SCES will celebrate World Kindness Day by wearing our favorite cardigan. The cardigan is a nod to the iconic children's television star, Fred Rogers, who was instrumental in spreading kindness.
Menu: November 9-13, 2020
We love our SCHS Football Team!!!
Tomorrow is the last day to order Spirit Shirts.
Mrs. Hartzog’s class participated in the voting today!
Kindergarten Students of the Week: November 2-6, 2020
Yearbook Signing and Sale: This month we will be selling yearbooks. Hardbacks are $35 and paperbacks are $25. The week of November 16-20, 2020 students will participate in a Yearbook Signing during their Computer Science Activity Class with Mrs. Newberry. If students have already purchased a Yearbook, they should bring during that week.
We are "Over the Moon" about our October Students of the Month!!!
Don’t forget the time change!