The SCMHS Music Department is still in FULL FORCE! Lots of important dates are quickly approaching. Below you will find a comprehensive list of events, involving middle school, high school, or both.
MARCH 28th: NOTE A NEW DEADLINE FOR COOKIE DOUGH MONEY…NO EXCEPTIONS! We want the orders to be placed before SPRING BREAK begins the following week.
April 23rd - High School Legacy Workshop at SCES auditorium
April 25th - Talent Show at SCES**
April 26th - "Braves Game Rehearsal" 3:30-4:30 SCES** & Chaperone meeting (TBA)
April 27th - "Braves Game Trip"**
May 2nd- 8:15 AM - Maribeth goes to SCES to listen to 5th Grade Students Audition for Wizard of Oz*
May 5th- Completion of auditions*
May 8th - "Fine Arts Banquet " at SCMHS **
May 16th - "Spring Combined Chorus Performance" 6 pm @ SCES**
May 21st - Baccalaureate Ceremony at D’ville Church of God (Legacy will sing the senior song.) at 2 PM (high school only)
May 26th - GRADUATION ceremony (Legacy will sing the senior song.) at 7:30 PM
TBD - Wizard of Oz Production Meeting ( before the end of the school year)*