o Study, study, study! Your grades now contribute to your overall GPA used for college.
o Pick courses that challenge you.
o Get involved! You do not have to join EVERY club, but at least find one interest that you are passionate about.
o Create a yearly schedule for courses to meet graduation requirements.
o Talk to an advisor or school counselor about taking AP/Honors courses.
o Identify fields of interest for career or major through online research.
o Start a list of accomplishments, awards and recognitions you receive.
o Build a resume with your list of activities, awards and recognitions.
o Begin college visits on your days off and over the summer.
o Continue to take challenging courses, but be careful of overload.
o Begin taking on leadership roles in your extracurricular activities or sports teams.
o Decide on and register for the SAT and/or ACT. Take practice test!
o Choose scholarship opportunities to pursue, mark important dates and deadlines on a calendar.
o Narrow down the colleges being considered.
o Check your HOPE GPA in GA Futures.
o Make good use of your summer. Work, play sports, or volunteer, it will pay off.
o Explore colleges (on campus or online) and note things that appeal to you. What factors are important?
o Research funding for college, including scholarships, grants, loans, etc.
o Narrow down your field of interest and reach out for mentors to answer questions or shadow.
o Take the PSAT in October
o Create a GA Futures account ( to keep track of your HOPE GPA.
o Make sure you take HOPE rigor courses to be eligible for the HOPE Scholarship.
o Check your HOPE GPA in GA Futures.
o Visit or revisit any colleges still undecided on.
o Make sure you are set to complete all graduation requirements.
o Retake the SAT/ACT if you feel you need to boost your score.
o Request teachers, mentors and counselors to write letters of recommendation.
o Complete and submit college and scholarship applications prior to deadlines.
o Work with your parents to complete and submit the FAFSA.
o As college acceptance letters arrive, explore the colleges more, visit the campuses again, consider financial aid packages offered. Make the choice that’s right for you!