Drug Free


  1. Goals:

    1. To develop a drug free school that produces students who serve as positive role models and influence their peers to lead healthy and responsible lives.

    2. To prevent drug use and abuse by our students.

    3. To identify any student who may be using and/or abusing drugs and to identify the drug(s). We will provide help through counseling.

  2. Definitions:

    1. Chain of custody refers to the procedures for maintaining control and accountability from initial collection to final disposition for all such materials or substances and providing for accountability at each stage in handling, testing, and storing specimens and reporting test results.

    2. Drugs shall mean any substance screened for under this policy and can include, but not limited to: amphetamines, methamphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, marijuana, opiates, and hallucinogens.

    3. Specimen means urine or other sample collected from a student in accordance with the procedures designated by the testing laboratory.

    4. Participating student is any student enrolled in Seminole County High School who participates in or applies for participation in any interscholastic athletic activity, any extracurricular activity, or any student who applies for a parking permit.

  3. Drug Testing Procedures:

    1. Testing: The system shall select a certified drug testing laboratory to assist with implementing its drug testing program.

    2. Chain of Custody: The system shall utilize strict “chain of custody” procedures as established by the drug testing laboratory conducting the testing process.

    3. Consent and Cost: Each participating student and his or her parents are required to sign a written consent form for drug testing prior to being allowed to participate in any interscholastic athletic activity, extracurricular activity, or to apply for a parking permit at Seminole County High School. The cost of any of the random drug testing will be paid for by the Seminole County School System.

    4. Medication: Participating students who are currently or have been taking prescription or nonprescription medication must disclose that fact at the time of drug testing and upon request, provide verification. Verification could consist of a copy of the prescription with the physician’s written authorization, an original prescription bottle on which the label indicates the physician’s authorization, or a nonprescription bottle containing the label of contents or other information requested by the medical review officer.

    5. Random Selection Process: Drug testing of participating students shall occur at various times throughout the year as determined by Principal, Athletic Director, and the lab conducting the drug test. Individuals will be selected at random using a numerical selection process whereby each participating student’s name and identity remain unknown until the random selections are completed. The random selection process will be coordinated by the Drug Testing Coordinator (hereafter referred to as “Coordinator”) to be appointed by the Principal if other than the Principal. Students participating in extracurricular activities will be subject to a random test between the first and last days of practice and competitions during the year.

    6. Specimen Collection Procedures: Testing consists of providing a urine sample to those representatives of the firm administering the test. School personnel will supervise but will not administer the test. Privacy of the students and confidentiality of the tests results will be protected. Specimens will be processed for identity and secured to ensure against tampering. The drug testing collection agency will:

      1. Conduct on site collection of urine drug screens.

      2. Forward any positive screens to Laboratory for confirmation.

      3. Provide Medical Review Officer Service to determine if there is a valid medical reason for the substance to be in the donor’s system.

      4. Report final results to Parent/Guardian and school system contact person upon final review by Medical Review Office.

    7. Drug Testing Coordinator: The Coordinator will receive all reports of positive drug test results. The Coordinator shall contact the participating student whose test resulted in a positive drug test report and that participating student’s parent(s) to afford them the opportunity to confidentially discuss the test result and any available options for treatment and/or counseling available or known to the high school.

  4. General Prohibitions and Penalties:

    1. Standard of Conduct for Participating Students: The use or possession of a drug, as defined herein, by a participating student created an unhealthy learning environment and is both dangerous and detrimental to a student’s ability to participate in any interscholastic athletics, any extracurricular activities or to operate a vehicle on school grounds at Seminole County High School is hereby prohibited.

    2. Penalties: Any participating student whose drug test administered pursuant to this policy renders a positive test result as indicated by the testing laboratory or who otherwise violates this policy shall be subject to the following consequences.

    3. Refusal to Test: A student’s refusal to test will be treated the same as a positive test result and will be counted in the cumulative number of positive test results. No student testing positive or refusing to test will be penalized academically. Testing results will not be released to criminal or juvenile authorities unless required by state or federal laws. Additionally a student who fails to sign and turn in the consent to test form will not be permitted to participate in athletics, any extracurricular activity, or acquire a parking permit.

    4. Penalty for First Positive Drug Test Result:

      1. In Athletics: The participating student will be suspended from participating in interscholastic athletic competitions for a maximum of 25% of the team’s scheduled games for the season (excluding scrimmages) beginning with the next scheduled contest. In the event that the positive screen occurs with less than 25% of the athletes schedule remaining, the suspension will be carried over to the next competitive season in which the athlete participates. The student-athlete may remain a part of the team and will be expected to participate in team practices or conditioning sessions. The student-athlete and parents must provide evidence of enrollment or participation in a drug-counseling program approved by the Principal. Before returning to interscholastic competition, the participant must submit to another drug test. Any positive results on the follow up test will be considered the participant’s Second Positive Drug Test Result. The follow up test will be paid by the participant. 

      2. Extracurricular Activities Other Than Athletics: The participant will be suspended from participating in competitions or performances for 20 school days. Before returning to interscholastic competition, the participant must submit to another drug test paid by the participant. Any positive results at the time of the follow-up test will be considered the participant’s Second Positive Drug Test Result.

      3. Parking on Campus: The student will not be allowed to drive or park a vehicle on campus for 20 school days. Before being allowed to park on campus the student must submit to another drug test paid for by the student. Any positive results at the time of the follow up test will be considered the student’s Second Positive Drug Test Result. 

  1. Penalty for Second Positive Drug Test Result: The participating student will be suspended from participating in all interscholastic athletic activities (practices and competitions), any interscholastic extracurricular activity (practices, competitions or performances) or parking a vehicle on school grounds at Seminole County High School for one calendar year from the date of the positive test. Any student applying for a parking permit who has a second positive drug screening test may not obtain a parking permit until the one year suspension has been completed.

  2. Penalty for Third Positive Drug Test Result: The participating student will be permanently suspended from interscholastic athletics, any interscholastic extracurricular activity or from parking his or her vehicle on school grounds at Seminole County High School.

  3. Appeal: A participating student who tested positive and whose test results have been forwarded by the testing laboratory to the Principal for the imposition of action provided herein may appeal such a decision to the Assistant Superintendent for Federal Programs. The resulting decision shall be final and not subject to further administrative appeal.

NOTE: All positive drug tests are cumulative over a student’s high school career and are also cumulative toward the suspension of practice, competitions, performances, and parking. This is regardless of what activity in which the student is involved during the time of the positive result.


  1. Goals:

    1. To develop a drug free school that produces students who serve as positive role models and influence their peers to lead healthy and responsible lives.

    2. To prevent drug use and abuse by our students.

    3. To identify any student who may be using and/or abusing drugs and to identify the drug(s). We will provide help through counseling.

  2. Definitions:

    1. Chain of custody refers to the procedures for maintaining control and accountability from initial collection to final disposition for all such materials or substances and providing for accountability at each stage in handling, testing, and storing specimens and reporting test results.

    2. Drugs shall mean any substance screened for under this policy and can include, but not limited to: amphetamines, methamphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, marijuana, opiates, and hallucinogens.

    3. Specimen means urine or other sample collected from a student in accordance with the procedures designated by the testing laboratory.

    4. Participating student is any student enrolled in Seminole County High School who participates in or applies for participation in any interscholastic athletic activity, any extracurricular activity, or any student who applies for a parking permit.

  3. Drug Testing Procedures:

    1. Testing: The system shall select a certified drug testing laboratory to assist with implementing its drug testing program.

    2. Chain of Custody: The system shall utilize strict “chain of custody” procedures as established by the drug testing laboratory conducting the testing process.

    3. Consent and Cost: Each participating student and his or her parents are required to sign a written consent form for drug testing prior to being allowed to participate in any interscholastic athletic activity, extracurricular activity, or to apply for a parking permit at Seminole County High School. The cost of any of the random drug testing will be paid for by the Seminole County School System.

    4. Medication: Participating students who are currently or have been taking prescription or nonprescription medication must disclose that fact at the time of drug testing and upon request, provide verification. Verification could consist of a copy of the prescription with the physician’s written authorization, an original prescription bottle on which the label indicates the physician’s authorization, or a nonprescription bottle containing the label of contents or other information requested by the medical review officer.

    5. Random Selection Process: Drug testing of participating students shall occur at various times throughout the year as determined by Principal, Athletic Director, and the lab conducting the drug test. Individuals will be selected at random using a numerical selection process whereby each participating student’s name and identity remain unknown until the random selections are completed. The random selection process will be coordinated by the Drug Testing Coordinator (hereafter referred to as “Coordinator”) to be appointed by the Principal if other than the Principal. Students participating in extracurricular activities will be subject to a random test between the first and last days of practice and competitions during the year.

    6. Specimen Collection Procedures: Testing consists of providing a urine sample to those representatives of the firm administering the test. School personnel will supervise but will not administer the test. Privacy of the students and confidentiality of the tests results will be protected. Specimens will be processed for identity and secured to ensure against tampering. The drug testing collection agency will:

      1. Conduct on site collection of urine drug screens.

      2. Forward any positive screens to Laboratory for confirmation.

      3. Provide Medical Review Officer Service to determine if there is a valid medical reason for the substance to be in the donor’s system.

      4. Report final results to Parent/Guardian and school system contact person upon final review by Medical Review Office.

    7. Drug Testing Coordinator: The Coordinator will receive all reports of positive drug test results. The Coordinator shall contact the participating student whose test resulted in a positive drug test report and that participating student’s parent(s) to afford them the opportunity to confidentially discuss the test result and any available options for treatment and/or counseling available or known to the high school.

  4. General Prohibitions and Penalties:

    1. Standard of Conduct for Participating Students: The use or possession of a drug, as defined herein, by a participating student created an unhealthy learning environment and is both dangerous and detrimental to a student’s ability to participate in any interscholastic athletics, any extracurricular activities or to operate a vehicle on school grounds at Seminole County High School is hereby prohibited.

    2. Penalties: Any participating student whose drug test administered pursuant to this policy renders a positive test result as indicated by the testing laboratory or who otherwise violates this policy shall be subject to the following consequences.

    3. Refusal to Test: A student’s refusal to test will be treated the same as a positive test result and will be counted in the cumulative number of positive test results. No student testing positive or refusing to test will be penalized academically. Testing results will not be released to criminal or juvenile authorities unless required by state or federal laws. Additionally a student who fails to sign and turn in the consent to test form will not be permitted to participate in athletics, any extracurricular activity, or acquire a parking permit.

    4. Penalty for First Positive Drug Test Result:

      1. In Athletics: The participating student will be suspended from participating in interscholastic athletic competitions for a maximum of 25% of the team’s scheduled games for the season (excluding scrimmages) beginning with the next scheduled contest. In the event that the positive screen occurs with less than 25% of the athletes schedule remaining, the suspension will be carried over to the next competitive season in which the athlete participates. The student-athlete may remain a part of the team and will be expected to participate in team practices or conditioning sessions. The student-athlete and parents must provide evidence of enrollment or participation in a drug-counseling program approved by the Principal. Before returning to interscholastic competition, the participant must submit to another drug test. Any positive results on the follow up test will be considered the participant’s Second Positive Drug Test Result. The follow up test will be paid by the participant. 

      2. Extracurricular Activities Other Than Athletics: The participant will be suspended from participating in competitions or performances for 20 school days. Before returning to interscholastic competition, the participant must submit to another drug test paid by the participant. Any positive results at the time of the follow-up test will be considered the participant’s Second Positive Drug Test Result.

      3. Parking on Campus: The student will not be allowed to drive or park a vehicle on campus for 20 school days. Before being allowed to park on campus the student must submit to another drug test paid for by the student. Any positive results at the time of the follow up test will be considered the student’s Second Positive Drug Test Result. 

  1. Penalty for Second Positive Drug Test Result: The participating student will be suspended from participating in all interscholastic athletic activities (practices and competitions), any interscholastic extracurricular activity (practices, competitions or performances) or parking a vehicle on school grounds at Seminole County High School for one calendar year from the date of the positive test. Any student applying for a parking permit who has a second positive drug screening test may not obtain a parking permit until the one year suspension has been completed.

  2. Penalty for Third Positive Drug Test Result: The participating student will be permanently suspended from interscholastic athletics, any interscholastic extracurricular activity or from parking his or her vehicle on school grounds at Seminole County High School.

  3. Appeal: A participating student who tested positive and whose test results have been forwarded by the testing laboratory to the Principal for the imposition of action provided herein may appeal such a decision to the Assistant Superintendent for Federal Programs. The resulting decision shall be final and not subject to further administrative appeal.

NOTE: All positive drug tests are cumulative over a student’s high school career and are also cumulative toward the suspension of practice, competitions, performances, and parking. This is regardless of what activity in which the student is involved during the time of the positive result.


In an effort to protect the district’s students and maintain the integrity of its interscholastic and extracurricular activities, the Seminole County Board of Education has adopted a policy requiring participation in a drug screening process for all high school students who participate in “privileged activities,” defined as participation in interscholastic athletics, extracurricular activities, and parking on school campus. All prospective participants in such activities must complete this form and return it with required signatures before the student will be permitted to try out for or participate in any privileged activity. 

I understand that as a participant in a privileged activity at Seminole County High School, I am subject to all provisions of the school district’s drug screening procedures. I agree to participate in the process and to the release of all drug screening results to the school district. 

_______________________________________________      ____________________________ Signature of Student   Date

________________________________________           _________________________________ Printed Name of Student       Activity

I am the parent/legal guardian of __________________________________________________. 

I understand that in order for my child to participate in any high school privileged activity, he/she will be subject to the drug screening process implemented by the Seminole County Board of Education. I have read and understand the procedures and agree for my child to participate in the process and for the results to be released to the school district. 

_______________________________________________      ____________________________ Signature of Student   Date

Printed Name of Student    

Revision Project Seminole County Schools 

Policy JCABB: Student Drug Testing 

Status: ADOPTED 

Original Adopted Date: 07/19/2021 

Random Drug Testing for Students Participating in School-Sponsored Extracurricular Activities 

The Seminole County Board of Education determines that the use of drugs that have not been prescribed for medical benefit can be detrimental to the educational environment and poses a direct threat to the health and safety of the school system's students. This problem is amplified for students who participate in school-sponsored extracurricular activities*, since drug use by these students constitutes an ongoing direct threat to the physical and mental safety of those and other students. The Board of Education believes that random testing of students participating in school sponsored extracurricular activities is necessary for the protection of student safety and welfare. The Superintendent is authorized to develop procedures needed to implement this policy. 

*School Sponsored Extracurricular Activities: All school-sponsored activities, which are not considered part of the academic curriculum. These include, but are not limited to, interscholastic athletics, cheerleading, band, drill team, school clubs, musical performances, dramatic productions, student government, fine arts organizations, industrial technology and agricultural organizations, the prom and other dances, parking/driving a vehicle on campus, and any other activity or group that participates in contests, competitions, or community service projects on behalf of or as a representative of the school system.