Hugh Scarborough named Atlanta Falcons High School Man of the Year Finalist
Modeled after one of the most prestigious awards in the NFL, the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award, the Atlanta Falcons honors high school football student–athletes who embody excellence on and off the field. This award is for players that have to overcome obstacles to perform on the field. SCHS is very happy to announce that Hugh Scarborough was recognized as a finalist at the Falcons game on Sunday, December 6.
Hugh plays every game with a leg just a little shorter than the other. It causes problems with his back and hips. He does a lot of work to keep his back muscles strong and loose. After most every game, Hugh limps to the sideline because he is so tired. There is not a quick fix or surgery that will help. Hopefully, once he stops growing, his legs will equal out. But, until then, he will continue to work and do his best, on and off the field.
In addition to playing football, Hugh plays baseball and has served as an officer in the FFA for 3 years. He helps with Walker Baseball Clinic and also helps with the children at Little Indians Daycare. Hugh is an outstanding student, athlete and a true Seminole Indian. Well done, Hootie!
Journalism Staff