  • Students, please do not forget to fill out Employee of the Month survey!
  • ESPORTS practice will be Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday after school until 5pm. 
  • Seniors: If you need to know your balance due on your graduation, cap & gown supplies, stop by the guidance office & see Mrs. Chambless.
  • FAFSA completion: Mrs. Angie Wilson (Ga Student Finance Representative) will be available on Wednesday, February 9th from 9am-3pm by appointment only to help parents & seniors complete the FAFSA. This will be the last time Mrs. Wilson will be available at our school this year. Appointments may be made by contacting Mrs. Horne.
  • There will be a Dual Enrollment parent & student meeting on Tuesday, February 1st at 6pm in the cafeteria. Students in the 10th and 11th grade who are interested in participating in the Dual Enrollment program for 2022-2023 school year, are encouraged to come with their parents.  Mr. Spencer Stewart (Director of Enrollment Management at ABAC-Bainbridge) will be conducting the meeting & answering questions. 
  • Congratulations to our girls tennis team on their will Saturday. The won the Bearcat Brawl Tournament. Also, congratulations to our  boys tennis team who placed 3rd place. 
  • Attention Juniors: There will be a meeting with Southern Regional Tech College on Monday, February 7th at 8:45am in the cafeteria for the juniors who are interested in enrolling in the CNA or EMR programs for the 2022-2023 school year. Interested students must sign up in the Guidance Office by Friday, February 4th.
  • 8th grade students: Please remember the delaine for the REACH  scholarship application is this Friday. Applications are due to Mrs. Shingler in the Guidance Office. 
  • The LARRY FENNELL JR AND BRENT FENNEL EXIBITOR'S SCHOLARSHIP is available to any SCHS senior who plans to participates in the local swine show in February. Any Senior who is interested should see Mrs. Touchton for the application and rules. The deadline to apply is February 3rd.  
  • A huge THANK YOU from our coaches to our pep band, Dr. Burke, Auxiliary team, teachers & student section for showing up and supporting our JV/Varsity Basketball team in our win against Miller County. 
  • The Auxiliary Mini Clinic date has now been changed to March 19th instead of March 5th.