On Thursday, the Seminole County FFA hosted the Annual Parent-Member Banquet. With approximately 200 members and guests present, students received recognition for contests participated in, showing livestock and earning special awards. Jeff and Susan Braswell were awarded the Honorary Membership Award for their continued support of the FFA Program. Will Pace was awarded the Dr. Jerry G. Mitchell Memorial Scholarship. Star Awards are presented to degree recipients in eighth grade, ninth grade and twelfth grade. Recipient of the Star Discovery Degree is Mindy Shattles. Recipient of the Star Greenhand Award is Jillian Johnson. Recipients of the Star Chapter Degree Award are Olin Spooner, Elizabeth Ausley, Madison O'Hearn, Will Pace and Cassidy Nix. Congratulations to all and a special thank you to the FFA Alumni for sponsoring the Silent Auction which raised over $5000.
Pictured is a group photo of all award recipients; BethAnn Smith and Drew Smith with newly inducted Honorary Members Jeff and Susan Braswell; Will Pace with Scott Mitchell as a recipient of the Dr. Jerry G. Mitchell Memorial Scholarship; and the Star Awards recipients Olin Spooner, Jillian Johnson, Madison O'Hearn, Elizabeth Ausley, Cassidy Nix, Mindy Shattles and Will Pace.