
Fresh start, fresh rules, new beginnings!

Who’s the best school in southwest Georgia you may ask? That would be Seminole County Middle High School, home of the Indians! Students at SCMHS started school Thursday, August 4th. All students, teachers, and staff survived, and it seems the overall consensus was that it was a great day! The middle school students raced the bell as they tried to find their new classes and freshmen stumbled through the hallway as they tried to escape the crowds of upperclassmen. The seniors wore their class shirts and made their way through the parade with all of their other classmates. Many walked into those doors with their best outfit on, ready to show off their style, but also not wanting to crease their shoes!

There are a lot of new things happening this school year. The school introduced many new rules for the students and staff to follow, which will allow things to operate smoothly. There is a new rule called “freeze time” where students are not allowed to leave the classroom (unless there is an emergency) for the first fifteen minutes of class and the last five minutes of class. This helps teachers be able to start and finish class with everyone in the classroom and no interruptions. They also made the lunchroom easier to access by giving the students lunch cards to get their lunch. Hunter Chambers thinks it definitely made the lines in the lunchroom go much faster. Tribes will be competing with other tribes as nations this year and that sounds very exciting.

Carlysa Register stated that “this has been one of the best first days back we have had in many years”. Tyleah Tolbert noted that “the first day of school was very welcoming”. According to Ashlyn Thompson, “SCMHS has made the school year easier for the students to have a good learning experience through its new rules and additions”.

The best interpretation of “first day” comes from two students who are brand new to our system and gives us a true fresh approach. Brooke Caratachea wrote, “Out of all the schools I have been to, I have never been helped by other students. What I’m trying to say is that the students here are good at making you feel welcome. The teachers are all so kind and are very strict on the rules and that is a good thing”. Haley Smith said, “For the first time in years I actually had a good first day even though I have no friends here yet. The teachers are as nice as they can be and they seem to really care about the students here, and I can already tell that the principal wants what's best for the students and is looking out for them. Seminole seems to be an amazing school so far and I really like it here. The students here seem really nice and helpful. I had a few people stop and offer to help me find some of my classes and I thought that was really nice of them because they didn’t have to do that. They risked being late to their own class just to help a newcomer like me get to the right place at the right time. So, in my opinion, I believe that maybe Seminole is the best school in southwest Georgia!” 

Excellent job, Indians. Tribestong.

Written by Seminole Yearbook Staff