Members of the Green Machine Majorettes and Lady Chiefs had the opportunity to experience a day in the life of a College Majorette or Color Guard. They started the day off with a 9 am full performance practice where our students got the opportunity to participate and learn from The Valdosta State University Blazin Brigade band a half-time routine and their fight song. After the morning rehearsal, members of the Green Machine Majorette line got the chance to participate in a twirling clinic where they received individualized and group instruction from members of the VSU Blazerettes. To finish off the day, Green Machine Members got the opportunity to march and perform on the field during half-time with the Blazin Brigade Band.
This was such a great opportunity for our students to learn more about their craft and the time and dedication needed to be a member of a college organization such as the VSU Blazin Brigade. We would like to thank Valdosta State University for the amazing opportunity!