Mrs. Touchton submitted a grant proposal for her CTAE class, Teaching as a Profession, to the GaDOE. We have anxiously been waiting to see if we won and how much we might win to help fund one of our new classes with supplies. Mrs. Touchton got the news on Tuesday, October 25th that we won the maximum amount of $25,000. This money will buy new classroom furniture and technology for a modern day classroom and one for the future. It will help our students who are wanting to become a future teacher learn how to operate equipment that will be expected of them when they enter the teaching field. We are so thankful for the support from Mrs. Touchton, our CTAE coordinator, that she has given to her department. We are very thankful she took initiative to apply for this grant as well. We hope we "grow our own" teachers and get them excited about such a rewarding, meaningful profession.
Congratulations To Mrs. Touchton For Winning Georgia Workforce Grant!
October 31, 2022