You may think this student is dressed up for Halloween, but, in fact, he is dressed to go to work!! Zay’Shaun Sol, a senior at Seminole County High School, is a Three Notch EMC employee. Mr. Levi Dunn, agriculture teacher at SCHS, had Three Notch employees come speak to his class and then took them on a field trip to see Three Notch workers in full action - watching them remove wires and replace a pole. Zay’Shaun was so interested after speaking with them, that he immediately went to fill out an application so they would have it on file when he graduated.
After talking with him, the Three Notch employees quickly realized that Zay’Shaun would be a great asset to their company. Through the work-based learning program at Seminole, Zay’Shaun is now a part of the Three Notch team. He is learning, training, and working hard every afternoon, knowing that as soon as he graduates in May, he will have a full-time position and a career. Thank you, Three Notch EMC, for partnering with the Seminole County Work-based Learning program and giving Zay’Shaun this wonderful opportunity. We look forward to working with you on many future endeavors. Congratulations, Zay’Shaun! #tribestrong