
November 1, 2022 

Dear Georgia families,  

Every November, we celebrate Family Engagement Month. It is a time to recognize and  celebrate the essential role of families in the educational success and wellbeing of their  children. In addition, it is an opportunity for families, schools, and the community to reflect on  how to promote and strengthen family engagement. 

We do this because the children of Georgia are best served when schools and families work  together in true partnership – as one team, with one purpose of elevating our children to new  heights. 

Parents and families are always a child’s first teachers – yet your vital work to keep your  children learning sometimes goes unacknowledged. Every time you read to your child, every  volunteer shift at school, every time you sit in the stands at a game or put together a costume  for the school play, every minute of homework help and every single conversation – that’s all a  crucial part of your child’s education. 

For all of it, please know that our education family sees and appreciates you. Thank you for  entrusting your child’s education to us – we do not take it lightly. Thank you for partnering right  alongside us as we seek a bright future for the children of our state, together. 

Thank you, parents and families, for all you've done to support your children's learning and  their schools this year. Your role is more critical than ever, and as educators, we can  accomplish nothing without you. 

With gratitude, 

Richard Woods 

State School Superintendent

2066 Twin Towers East • 205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive • Atlanta, GA 30334 •