
Seminole County FFA recently competed at ABAC in Tifton in the Floriculture Career Development Event and Wildlife Management Career Development Event. 

The Floriculture Career Development Event tests the participant’s knowledge and skill in various aspects of the horticulture industry. The event includes identification of plants, equipment, insects, diseases, and weeds, as well as problem solving and a written exam over the production, use, and maintenance of plant material, related products, equipment and services.

The Senior Floriculture team from Seminole County included BethAnn Smith, Annabeth Hinton, Allison Robinson and Jillian Johnson. The team placed third and Jillian Johnson placed ninth highest individually, competing against over 60 FFA members from the South Region. 

The Junior Floriculture team included Drew Smith, Mya Vickers, Maggie Hornsby, and AnnaKate Kirkland. The team placed seventh in the South Region. 

The Wildlife CDE is designed to promote wildlife management to students. Students are expected to demonstrate skills in four individual areas and can include skills such as identifying skulls and furs, measuring antlers of whitetail deer, identifying birds based on their calls, and answering questions on aquatic species management. 

The Junior Wildlife Management from Seminole County included Cullen Hicks, competing in General Wildlife ID; Miley Grimsley, competing in Game Bird Identification; Cody Deese, competing in Aquatic Species; and Coltin Alday, competing in Whitetail Deer Management. 

Shown in the photos attached: 

Jr. Wildlife Management Team: Coltin Alday, Miley Grimsley, Cody Deese, and Cullen Hicks

Jr. Floriculture Team (front): Mya Vickers, Drew Smith and Anna Kate Kirkland (back) Maggie Hornsby

 Sr. Floriculture Team: Allison Robinson, Annabeth Hinton, Jillian Johnson and BethAnn Smith